
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Personnel Administration

It is a sub module of SAP-HCM whis is used to store and maintain the employee master data.
Personnel number denotes a unique numerical key which is used to identify every employee. It should be 8 numerical character.
                                  00000001 - 9,99,99,99

INFOTYPE - It denotes information type. Technically speaking infotype as logical grouping of data fields. It should have a 4 character numerical and a long text.
It might have sub type. Few infotypes depending on the nature of information getting saved would have sub types.

SUBTYPE - It denotes further classification of an infotype, It includes validity period which will have start and end date.

Infotype is classified into 2 types,

1. SAP Standard Infotypes -  These are the infotypes delivered by SAP. The ownership rights or propitiatory rights of such infotypes would be rested with SAP.

2.  Customer Specific Infotypes - These are the infotypes which are created by the consulting team in order to meet customer specific requirements where SAP standard infotypes are not. Thes infotypes are created by SAP - HR ABAPers.

SAP Standard infotypes are divided into 2 types. They are,

1. International Infotypes - These are the infotypes which are used globally.
Ex, Personnel details, Address details which are common in all countries.

2. country specific Infotypes - These are the infotypes delivered by SAP to meet country specific requirements.
Ex, Payroll, Tax, PF...ect, which are specific to a particular country.

Ranges of Infotypes -

- Personnel administration and payroll related will range in between 0001 - 09XX
- Organisational management, Training, Personnel development will range in between 1XXX - 19XX
- Time management will range in between 2XXX - 29XX
- Recruitment will range in between 4XXX - 49XX
- E-Recruitment will range in between 5XXX - 59XX
- Customer specific will range in between 9XXX - 99XX


1. Action Infotype (0000) - This is used to store the details of all the actions which are executed on an employee through PA40 transaction code.

2. Organisational Assignment (0001) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding assignment of the employee to the organisation. This is the infotype where we can find the elements of structures assigned to an employee.

3. Personal Details (0002) - This infotype is used to store personal details of an employee.

4. Address (0006) - This infotype is used to store address details of an employee.

5. Planned working time (0007) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding the scheduled working hours, holidays belonging to employees.

6. Basic pay (0008) - This infotype is a very important infotype for payroll. The details regarding standard components of salary for an employee would be stored in this infotype. only payments are stored in this infotype nut not deductions.

7. Bank details (0009) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding bank name, bank account no., to which the employee salary is credited.

8. Recurring payments and deductions (0014) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding all payments and deductions which are recurring in nature.

9. Additional payments (0015) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding payments & deductions which are non-recurring in nature. Ex: Bonus, Overtime

10. Contract details (0016) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding contract elements of an employee.

11. Monitoring of tasks (0019) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding all such tasks which are to be taken on an employee at a future date.

12. Family dependents (0021) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding family members of an employee.

13. Skills (0022) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding the skills of an employee.

14. Previous employer details (0023) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding the previous employer of the employee.

15. Qualifications (0024) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding qualifications of an employee.

16. Appraisals (0025) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding appraisal results of an employee.

17. Date specification (0041) - This infotype is used to store the details regarding important dates belonging to an employee.

Functions used to maintain HR master data:

1. For creating new data:

i. CREATE: It creates new records. History (old information) is maintained.
ii. COPY: It creates a new record by copying the existing record. History is maintained.

2. For maintaining data:

i. CHANGE: It changes the existing information. History is not maintained.
ii. DELIMIT: It delimits the end date of an existing record. History is maintained.
iii. DELETE: It deletes the existing record. History is not maintained.

3. For Seeing the data:

i. DISPLAY: It displays the most recent/current record.
ii. OVERVIEW: It gives a snapshot of all the records.

To perform all these functions go to PA30 transaction code.
To search employee names with their starting letter then we need to type as (A*).


It denotes the ranges which are created to have the personnel numbers allotted. There are 2 categories of personnel number ranges in SAP-HCM. They are;

1. Internal personnel number range - It is a range from which a number is allotted to the employee by the system.

2. External personnel number range - It is a range from which a number us allotted to the employee by the user.

PA04 is the transaction code which is used to maintain personnel number ranges. Two important points have to be taken into consideration when the number ranges are being set up. They are;

i. No two ranges can have the same code.
ii. No two ranges can overlap.

Current number denotes the last assigned number. It could be maintained by the system & is only for the internal personnel number ranges. Numbers would be allotted in a sequence in internal personnel number ranges.

Ext. field in the screen PA04 would enable the user to differentiate an internal number ranges from the external number range.
- If this tick box is ticked system counts that particular number range as external number range.
- If this filed is left blank system counts the same as external number range.
Change status option in PA04 screen would enable the user to change the current number value.


Time constraint class is an element which is assigned to the infotypes as well subtypes. For all SAP standard infotypes this time constraint class is predetermined. The consulting tea, will have the option of allotting time constraint class to the customer specific infotypes which are created by the consulting team to meet customer specific requirements. The time constraint class is an element which controls the reaction of a system whenever an infotype/sub-type is maintained.

Three major time constraint classes:

Out of the three time constraint classes only one will be assigned to an infotype/subtype. The nature of information getting stored in an infotype/subtype would denote which time constraint class has to be assigned.

1. Only one record must exist for a given time period. Gaps are not allowed.
2. Only one record must be exist for a given time period. Gaps are allowed.
3. Many records can exist for a given time period. Gaps are allowed.

Navigation to set up time constraint class:

SPRO à IMG personnel management à Personnel adminstration à Personnel data à Family à Personnel data à Define family types


Features are used to default values automatically. Documentation is an option which gives more details about a particular feature & its purpose. Attributes section gives more information about technical details of a feature. Structure gives the list of fields which can be used for decision making in order to default a return value or values. Decision tree is a tree structure which is used to set up the conditions in order to default a return value or values.
After setting up press ok. If any error is there then the system will give a pop-up and we can see pink color where there is error. To avoid this we will have few options,

1. Check: This option in any feature would enable the user to check for any inconsistencies while setting up the conditions.
2. Save: This option in an feature would enable the user to save the settings made in a feature.
3. Activate: This option would enable the user to save as well activate the changes made.


Infogroup denotes group of infotypes which is processed when a personnel action is executed. For every corresponding action there should be an infogroup created.
Usergroup denotes a parameter which is used to create & save the user specific settings.

Creating Personnel actions:

For HA(Hiring actions) it includes 3 status,

1. Customer specific status
2.  Special payment: If any employee having any special payments like if an employee goes on global assignment then he will have special pay.
3. Employment specific status: It includes,
0 - Employee withdrawn: It is used when a person is leaving the company.
1 - Employee with company but inactive: It is used when a person is in long leave.
2 - Employee with company as a retiree: It is used when a company is giving pensions to the employees.
3 - Employee active in the company
Reasons are created for knowing why the actions are made.
Action menu - standard action menu is 01.
User parameter (Transaction code - SU3) - To show only user specific actions & hide standard actiuons.

Creating customer specific actions:

1. Create Infogroup: If 2 actions must be created then 2 infogroups must be created.
2. Create personnel actions & link the infogroup with respective action.
3. Create reasons why those actions are made.
4. Finally, to show the actions created on the PA40 screen then action menu is used to show them & save them.

Navigation to create Infogroup:

SPRO à SAP Refernce IMG à Personnel management à Personnel administration à Customising procedures à Actions à Define infogroups à user group dependency on menu & infogroups à Copy required actions & edit as required à Back and infogroup à Work area (give infogroup name) à New entries à Create infotypes & save à Back à Set up personnel actions à Personnel action types à Select & copy required action & edit, save & back à Create reasons for personnel actions à New entries or copy the required & edit, save & back à Change action menu( give standard action menu i.e., 01) à New entries à Edit, save & back à To show only customer specific action then go to /o SU3 à Parameters & edit & save.                                             


Infogroup modifier is an element which is used to assign more than one set of infotypes to an infogroup which is linked to a personnel action. To default infogroup modifier we need to use a feature i.e., IGMOD.


All the actions in SAP-HCM must be executed through PA40. All the actions executed must have apersonnel number mentioned in PA40 transaction code. But only for hiring action the personnel number in PA40 screen must not be mentioned because at that particular point of time it is not sure weather the personnel number will be allotted from an internal /external personnel number range.


It denotes group of infotypes grouped together for the purpose of maintaining or displaying master data. These infotype menus would facilitate the user to have the list of infotypes in one place which he/she accesses. We can configure our own infotype menus to meet customer specific requirements where SAP standard infotype menus are not meeting.


SPRO à Personnel management à Personnel adminstration à Customising procedures à Infotype menus à User group dependency on menus & infogroups à New entries à Save & back à Infotype menu à Give menu name à New entries à Save & back à Determine choice of infotype menus à Infotype menus à New entries à SU3 à Parameters & edit & save & back.


Additional actions infotype is a particular infotype which is created automatically by the system based on certain conditions & is not created by the user. This is an additional infotype or a secondary infotype attached to primary infotype. Addition action infotype is the secondary infotype to actions infotype. Technically speaking this infotype will not have a structure table assigned to it. This infotype cannot be displayed or maintained directly. The details of the infotype can be viewed in the primary infotype i.e., actions infotype. The information in this infotype will be created by the system only when this infotype is activated. System will create the data in this infotype only when it is active & only when more than one action is executed on an employee & on the same date where employment specific status is not changed by the actions executed. Go to view table T77SO & activate the additional actions. Execute reports for the particular employee. Go to personnel actions screen & change field U0000 & U0302 and tick then they will be activated. 


SM30 à V-T77S0 à Select additional actions (EVSUP) à Select admin group à in the value abbr column give one to activate à Back & SPRO à Reference IMG à Personnel management à Personnel administration à Customising procedures à Actions à Set up personnel actions à Activation additional actions à or go to SA38 transaction code à AAC à Personnel number

The abbreviation EVSUP acts as the switch for additional actions. If the value is placed as '1' for this abbreviation the additional actions functionality is 'activated' & if the abbreviation is left with 'blank' value the additional actions functionality is 'deactivated'. The program is "RPUEVSUP" which is used to activate additional actions for the desired employees. "SE38/SA38" is the transaction code which is used to execute any program.

Testrun & execute à Personnel actions types à tick U0000 & U0302 to activate & Save

Program "RPUUEVSUP" can be executed in 2 modes,
1. Test run 
2. Live run 

Test run is a dummy run which can be used by the users to cross check whether the result is expected. When any program is executed in the test mode changes will not be updated by the system.

Live run denotes any update made when any program is executed in this mode the changes are updated to the data base.


How to view screen number?
Select any field in the infotype & click on help --> Technical information --> Screen number.


SPRO à Reference IMG à Personnel management à Personnel adminstration à Customising user interfaces à Change screen modification

After going to screen modifications the correct entry should be selected for which the changes are to be made. In the example, changes are to be made for the infotype 2 i.e., personal details & relating to germany. With the technical information of the infotype 0002 we can learn the screen number for germany is(2001) so now enough care should be taken in the screen modifications mode that changes are made to the module pool program of infotype 0002 for germany.
Select the entry with the vale (MP000200) in the module pool program filed & the value (2001) in the field alternate (Alr) screen --> go to details --> do changes for the particular changes & save.


Dynamic actions are the actions which are executed automatically by the R/3 system during the maintenance of the infotypes. You may set up your own dynamic actions in the table T588Z in order to trigger activities automatically which are linked to infotype maintenance. 


SPRO à Reference IMG à Personnel management à Personnel administration à Customizing procedures à Dynamic actions

Fields in dynamic actions:

1. Infotype: This specifies the infotype for which the dynamic action is maintained & triggered.
2. Subtype:  This field is used to narrow down the focus of the dynamic action to a subtype of the specified infotype.
3. Field name: The dynamic action is triggered when a maintenance function is performed on a particular field. 
4. Function character: It specifies the various maintenance operations to which the dynamic action being set up must respond. The standard function given by SAP are,
02 - Change
04 - Create 
06 - Create & change
08 - Delete 
10 - Change & delete
12 - Create & delete
Dynamic actions are never triggered for the display function,
5. Sequence number: This field refers to the sequence number in which order the logic should flow.
6. Step indicator: It specifies the particular type pf actions. No dynamic action is executed without a step indicator specified. The following are the values allotted,
P - Plausibility check which allows you to check for a specific condition
I - Calls an infotype for processing
W - Called after the I statement & used to assign values for the fields while creating or copying another infotype through I statement.
F - Calls a form routine (sub routine in ABAP) during your action
V - Lets you treat collectively a number of fileds for which you want to set up a dynamic action.
M - Sends SAP office mail.

7. Function part: The variable function part along with the step indicator forms the core part of the dynamic action. It specifies the processing logic of the dynamic action being triggered. The coding is done and the system knows to follow the steps as AND or OR. If the sentence is left blank then it is left blank & /x indicates 'OR'.

HRM --> Personnel management --> Administration --> Infosystem --> Reports.


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