
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Organisational Management

Organisational management is a sub-module which is used to set up the organisational structure as well reporting structure of a company in SAP system. Organisational structure is a structure which runs across organisational units, positions and persons. Reporting structure is a structure which flows across positions only. It is integrated with MM, SD & FICO.


Objects are used in OM to set up the structures. There are two categories of objects:
Various object categories are derived by SAP. To denote every object uniquely.


O - Org units
C - Job
S - Position
P - Person
T - Tasks


K - Cost center
A - Work center
Q - Qualification


Relationship is an element which is used to link the objects. It should have a 3- character alpha-numerical code and a long text. Relationships are categories in to 2 types,

1. SAP Standard Relationships: These are the relationships which are delivered by SAP. They are denoted by numbers & have a range 000-999.

2. Customer Specific Relationships: These are the relationships which are created by the consulting team where SAP standard relationships are not meeting customer specific requirement. They are denoted by alphabets & have a range AAA-ZZZ.


Direction of relationship is an element which is used to denote the direction or flow of the relationship between the objects. Two alphabets are delivered by SAP to denote the direction of relationships among the objects. They are,

A - denotes bottom to top
B - denotes top to bottom

002 relationship is used to link the related object. Ex: O -- O, S --S
003 relationship would be used to link one org unit to position. Ex: O -- S
007 relationship which is used to link one job to position. Ex: C -- S
008 relationship would be used to link one position to person. Ex: S -- P

Organisational plan is used to denote the flow of objects in hierarchy. The objects would be org units, positions and persons. Their can be so many plan versions but always only one plan version can be active. Current plan version would be by default active plan version. Their can be so many statues used for an organisational plan,
1. Proposed
2. Submitted
3. Approved
4. Rejected
5. Active


There are characteristics assigned to objects. These are categorized into two:

1. Main characteristics are mandatory characteristics assigned to objects.
Ex: Object Id, Relationships,ect...

2. Additional characteristics denote optional characteristics which can be assigned to an object.
Ex: Object description, Object address,ect...


Object interfaces are used to set up the organisation structures as well as reporting structure in OM using the objects as well relationships. There are 3 types of object interfaces,


This is an interface where the organisational structure is maintained in a user friendly manner. This is very simple in nature & the structure is represented picto-graphically using colorful icons. There are 3 important transaction codes in this interface. They are,

PPOME which is used to maintain the structure.
PPOCE used to create the structure.
PPOSE to display the structure.


       1.     SEARCH AREA      

        3.   OVERVIEW AREA

      2.     SELECTION AREA

        4.   DETAILED AREA

Search area: It is used to search for the desired object.
Selection area: It is used to choose or select the desired object from the search list.
Overview area: It is used to look at the relationship of the selected objects with other objects.
Detailed area: It is used to maintain or retrieve the details of the selected object.


It is an interface where infotypes are used to create the objects & maintain the relationships.

1000 - Object - This infotype is used to create the desired object say an org unit, position, etc.,
1001 - Relationship - This infotype is used to create or maintain the relationship of an object to another object.
1002 - Description - This infotype is used to maintain additional details or description for the selected object.
1007 - Vacancy - This infotype is maintained for the object "position". This is used to set up the period for which the position was vacant.
1008 - Account assignment - This infotype is used to assign the account assignment features to an object. For example, for the object say org unit in this infotype we can assign the details like company code, cost center, personnel area & personnel sub-area.
1013 - Employee group/employee sub-group - This infotype is also maintained for the "position". This is used to assign the employee group & sub-group to the position.
1014 - obsolete - This infotype is also maintained for the object "position". This is used to set an position obsolete ( a position which is no more used & removed)

P010 - Maintain org units
P013 - Maintain positions


Simple maintenance is an interface when the organisational as well reporting structure are set up in a simple way. This interface is more user friendly as well very fast in approach. In this interface the organisational structure can be displayed in structural graphics mode in a user friendly way such that non - SAP users can also easily understand the flow of the hierarchy. The reporting structure which flows across the positions can be set up in simple maintenance in a very user friendly manner. There are 2 different options in which the reporting structure could be set up,

1. With in the organisational unit reporting structure is a reporting structure in which the reporting relationships are maintained among the positions belonging to the same organisational unit.
2. General reporting structure is a reporting structure where the reporting relationships are set up among the positions belonging to different organisational units.


Integration between OM and other modules.

1. PLOGI PLOGI: The PLOGI PLOGI entry in table "T77S0" acts as a central switch for integration. If the entry contains a plan version then integration is activated for all employees.

2. PLOGI ORGA: The switch PLOGI ORGA activates integration between OM & PA.

3. PLOGI PRELI: PLOGI PRELI with the value all 9's would mean the default position integrated with PA.


RHINTE XX reports are ABAP programmers which are used to set integration between PA & PD/OM. They are mainly used after data conversion or bulk updates or to correct any errors. There are few types in this. They are,

i. RHINTE00: This report transfers PA records into PD positions.
ii. RHINTE10: It prepares integration of PD/OM to PA.
iii. RHINTE20: It creates OM objects in PA tables.
iv. RHINTE30: Bulk updates of infotype 0001.

Number ranges in OM is always internal but during data upload it will be external & after uploading they will be transformed to internal.
The infotype related data for PA module would be residing in PAXXXX tables where XXXX denotes PA infotype number.
The data relating to object in OM would be residing in HRPXXXX table where XXXX denotes OM infotype number.
The transaction code "SE16" & "SE16N" would be used to retrieve information from any infotype table.


1. Organisational & staffing:

 SAP eassy access à Human resources à Organisational management à Organisational plan à Organisation & staffing à Validity period(given data) à to create go to detailed area & give id in organisation units & text & save à Account assignment à Give company code, personnel area & sub-area & save à Go to overview screeb & select the created org unit & create.

2. Infotype maintenance:

SAP eassy access à Human resources à Organisational management à Expert mode

3. Simple maintenance:

PPOC-OLD - Create
PPOM-OLD - Maintain
PPOS-OLD - Display

 SAP eassy access à Human resources à Organisational managemen à Expert mode à Simple maintenance

Blue - Org unit
Yellow - Position
Green - Person

In Organisation & staffing objects are differentiated by icons.
In infotype maintenance objects are differentiated by transaction codes.
In Simple maintenance objects are differentiated by colors. 

4. Reporting Structure:

i. With in:

 Select the position à Menu bar (Go to) à reporting structure à will get a reporting structure screen à select superior position à menu bar (edit) à Elevate à with in org unit à will get a screen and assign the sub-ordinates & save.

ii. General:

Choose the superior à Menu bar (Go to) à reporting structure à will get a reporting structure screen à select superior position à menu bar (edit) à Elevate à General à will get a screen and assign the sub-ordinates & save.